Invisalign launched Invisalign First in late 2018. The product is designed for
growing children in primary or early mixed dentition. The clear aligners are custom
made to create space for the permanent teeth to erupt and can also begin the
process of correcting conditions like overbite and tooth protrusions.
Treatment begins after an initial consultation with an orthodontist, to make sure the
child’s malocclusion is conducive for clear aligner therapy. The orthodontist will
also discuss cooperation expectations during aligner wear with the parents at this
initial consultation. Like adult and teen patients, kids will be required to wear the
aligners twenty to twenty-two hours per day.
Once it has been determined that a child would benefit from Invisalign First, a set
orthodontic records are taken. Most orthodontists have scanner technology that
captures images of the teeth and bite, precluding the need for sloppy impressions.
X-rays and photos of the teeth and bite are also taken to evaluate the roots of the
primary and permanent teeth, bone support and jaw alignment. These records are
sent digitally to Invisalign. The orthodontist will then oversee the design and
fabrication of the aligners for your child.
With good cooperation, most childhood bite issues, like lack of space for erupting
teeth and protrusion of front teeth, can be corrected in about one year with
Invisalign First. Most patients will likely need a phase of fine-tuning to level and
align the remainder of the permanent teeth once they are erupted (usually the age
of twelve or thirteen).
Contact us at Tina Reed Orthodontics for more information today!